Impact Bollard


EP560 Impact Flexi-Bollard 180 diameter x 1320 high

Galvanised base plate with a galvanised spring welded on to it.
A stainless- steel centre core threaded into the base plate with two
load rings. A rubber bearing pad, and yellow (or other colour) outer
protective sleeve. The Impact Flexi-Bollard comes complete with
3 x 200 long wedge anchors, washers and spring washers. This
Impact Flexi-Bollard is designed to protect areas which are prone to
damage by fork lift trucks in a warehouse setting, it has proven to
be very effective. The yellow outer sleeve is highly visible and takes
a lot of knocks, this product is manufactured locally so the sleeves
can be easily replaced and so is very cost effective.


Pedestrian Bollard


EP559 Pedestrian Safety Bollard 127 diameter x 1080 high

Stainless steel centre core on a rubber bearing pad and yellow
(or other colour) outer protective sleeve. Developed for the
processing areas of food preparation plants. The plastic outer
sleeve provides high visibility and protection from bumping into
the stainless- steel centre core


Bollard Sleeves


Bollard Protector sleeves-

These Bollard Protector sleeves which slip over existing metal bollards
have proven to be very effective in eliminating costly painting maintenance.
They are highly visible and can be manufactured in any colour.

78 diameter x 950 high,

127 diameter x 1050 high

140 diameter x 950 high

152 diameter x 950 high

180 diameter x 1330 high

240 diameter x 950 high



Enterprise Plastics cc    Reg. No. 1985/003802/23

Bruce Barkhuizen